Beautiful hostels in Prague

hostel in pragueThe Czech capital attracts crowds of tourists. The most important monuments of the city are separated from each other by the distance that you can confidently walk on foot, walking along the cobbled streets. If you add beautiful views to it, then you have a ready recipe for a good time. Prague is great for family sightseeing.

Prague, like any city with a long history, has many monuments and places to see. It’s nice to spend a few days staying in the city. However, people do not always have that amount of time. If you decide to stay in Prague, choose a cheap solution, or hostel in Prague, check

The royal district towering over the city is very popular among tourists. Hradczany rise majestically above the Vltava River, presenting themselves perfectly both during the day and at night. The whole castle complex consists of many buildings, and the most important are the Royal Castle, known as Prague. It is the former headquarters of the Czech kings. The first buildings were built in this place in the ninth century. For hundreds of years the city was devoured by fires and wars. Each time it was rebuilt, introducing further improvements and expanding the entire property. From 1918, the castle is the seat of the president of the country.

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